Apple’s mice are an ergonomic blind spot

Apple's Magic Mouse is notorious for being uncomfortable to use and inconvenient to charge.

Apple's Mighty Mouse was known for being uncomfortable, difficult to scroll with and tricky to right-click.

Apple's USB "Hockey Puck" is considered Apple's worst mouse design because of its terrible ergonomics, short cord and unintuitive orientation for cursor movement.

Similar things have been said about their other mice aside from the Bus II mouse. Yet many of their other products are well designed and high quality. Even Apple trackpads are precise and smooth.

Despite Apple's reputation for design excellence, their history with mice highlights a recurring struggle to balance form and function. Prioritizing aesthetics can lead to sacrifices in ergonomics. Even with a company known for superior designs, status appeal can be prioritized to drive sales. Functionality sometimes becomes an afterthought when the allure of a brand is strong enough.


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