Quantity explores, quality refines

Sketching 100 ideas can be a helpful rule of thumb for generating 1 good design direction.

The train of thought is this:

- The first few dozen ideas are probably obvious ones.

- The next few dozen are less common.

- As you get to the last dozen, you're likely sketching unique, specific solutions.

This idea blends well with ideation frameworks Step Jump Leap or Divergent Thinking.

Of course, there isn't a magic number to reach in order to guarantee a brilliant solution. Investing time in exploring and iterating upon promising ideas is time well spent, as opposed to feeling pressured to reach a number of unrefined concepts. But simply put, generating a large quantity of quick, diverse ideas early on can set you up to explore details of solutions and benefits.

Quantity explores, quality refines.


New products that feel familiar


Apple vision pro