Passion for life, problems and usability

Unless you are a transportation (cars), fashion (shoes) or toy designer, it probably doesn't matter exactly what tangible product you design. Usability, feasibility and desirability problems that affect lives in a silent way are the ones worth sinking teeth into. Emphasis on usability.

One of my former classmates was obsessed with shoes. He's fully passionate about them. All he wanted to do throughout school or inbetween studio was draw shoes. He now designs shoes at Puma. For most other classmates, myself included, there was an obsession with a variety of aspects in life. Where passion strongly revolves around people, interesting problems and usability.

No passion is better or worse, but the latter typically leads to designing household appliances. Of course there are exceptions, like designing outdoor gear or medical devices, but the emphasis on usability shares a stronger overlap with appliance designers. Passion for a specific product is perhaps less important than dedication and curiosity towards people and problems. These are the foundational attributes a team looks for in you as a new designer. So long as they are also dedicated and curious folk who want to make the everyday lives of others a little better.

You will find them if you keep searching and designing. Water seeks its own level.


The search for more


Stalling for inspiration