Sage Cofield Sage Cofield

The invention of the stop sign

One of my favorite design stories is about the invention of the stop sign. I’ve told this story since before I went to design school.

William Phelps Eno is responsible for the stop sign, but the dysfunctional city roads needed more than just stop signs.

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Sage Cofield Sage Cofield

Evolution of machine translating

I found an interesting interview to research for a project, but the interview was in Japanese and I know zero Japanese. I opened Google Translate and found a button to translate my PDF. I didn’t know about this feature before, but it was accurate and fast.

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Sage Cofield Sage Cofield

There it is.

It’s what is said when the literal meaning of something is obvious.

Like when you finally land on a good idea. It’s so obvious that this is the right solution, yet creating it was anything but obvious. You probably had to iterate 100 bad ideas beforehand, because bad ideas are the conduit to a good idea.

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Sage Cofield Sage Cofield

Moon base technology

For the first time in half a century, NASA will have humans on the moon next year. A lunar habitat will inflate near our moon’s south pole. It can support up to 6 astronauts and crew members will rotate out every 2 months. A permanent outpost will be established in 2028, called Artemis Base Camp.

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Sage Cofield Sage Cofield

Sometimes you catch a fish...

I fished all the time with my grandpa when I was a kid. It was a cornerstone of visiting my grandparents.

I was 10 years old when we drove to Galesburg, Illinois for a few days to visit Tom, my grandpa’s brother. Tom was the reason for our visit, but our fishing gear found its way in the trunk with a, “you never know”.

The next morning, we knew.

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Sage Cofield Sage Cofield

Farm strength

Farm strength accumulates over years and years.

You get it by working everyday past the point of exhaustion while tending to your land and livestock. Muscles develop extreme stamina from this behavior and often do not bulk up.

As a result, folk with common-looking physique conceal superhuman strength.

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