
Lego is more than child's play, it's a metaphor for life. We are not simply consumers of experience, we can be makers of our own experience.

The user transforms from consumer to co-creator. Opting-in to build from an instruction set or choosing to explore your own ideas. Within the design for customizability is the design for tinkerability.

Modular furniture that can be rearranged to reinvent your living space. Arduinos programmed for everything from musical instruments to home automation. Electronics that can be repaired or improved upon by the user. These are all designs that are customizable and promote tinkering.

We all, not just designers, want a little more control and a little more influence on the world around us. It isn't satisfying to consume experience all the time.

Your space is yours to sculpt, your story is yours to tell.


Everything is a remix


Design for action, not information