Feng Shui is an early form of user experience design

User experience design (UX) focuses on making products and services intuitive, efficient, and enjoyable to use. While a modern discipline, its roots can be traced back to ancient philosophies like Feng Shui, the Chinese practice of optimizing spaces for harmony and flow.

"Feng" meaning wind and "Shui" meaning water.

It's mentioned every few minutes on HGTV. Good Feng Shui happens when a space is most optimal for use, harmonious in aesthetics and welcoming to the people who inhabit it.

Similar principles apply to designing a coffee maker, revamping a hiring process or designing a mobile app. User experience design has a common goal: to create products and services that are easy to use, are enjoyed and solve real problems for users.

"No product is an island. A product is more than the product. It is a cohesive, integrated set of experiences. Think through all of the stages of a product or service – from initial intentions through final reflections, from first usage to help, service, and maintenance. Make them all work together seamlessly."

-Don Norman


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