Constructive feedback

"This is better than I expected, it's perfect."

It feels great to hear, but it's not really feedback. It's praise.

Praise and gratitude are always good to have, but they aren't so useful for growth.

Constructive feedback is insightful. Where maybe you did exceed expectations, but it could be even better by addressing a few more areas. Many people don't want to step on anyone's toes, but it's more generous to be honest and to suggest what could be further improved upon.

When someone seems nervous about giving me honest feedback, I tell them that I'm the kind of person who prefers when someone points out that I have a booger in my nose. If you don't like people pointing that out, you'll wind up looking foolish more often than when you're open to the honest feedback.

Of course, feedback that always jumps to brutal or snide doesn't help much. Crisp, clear and insightful constructive feedback is always the best kind.


Practice sketching fast


Someone had the idea