1 in 100

My goal is to write something that's analytical and work / design related every day.

Here's what I keep in mind after writing +200 blog posts:

  • Making decisions can be difficult, but once you make them, it's important to follow through.

  • I don't care about the 100 posts that get ignored, I care about the 1 that resonates with someone.

  • Second-guessing leads to nothing getting done.

  • Taking action when you don't feel like it is the most important time to do it.

  • The posts should be useful to others, but they're a way for me to learn more than anything else.

I think about Seth Godin's quote when time is scarce or I don't feel like writing:

"If you can make a decision once, then the question isn’t should I do it? It’s what will I do? If you make the decision once to be a vegan, then you don't need to have a discussion with yourself every single night about whether or not to have a hamburger. If you make the decision to blog every single day, then the only discussion I have to have with myself is what’s the best blog post I can write -- not should I write a post. As (Saturday Night Live Producer) Lorne Michaels has said, 'Saturday Night Live doesn’t go on because it’s ready. It goes on because it’s 11:30.'”


Organic and functional

